
Check our latest updates.


July 2024
  • NEW - Checklist for Foundations
  • NEW - Variables for typography
    We added a variable to manage your maximal line-length for body text.
  • NEW - Pictures
    We added a page to help use pictures inside your system with 3 different ratios.
  • NEW - Component Testimonial
  • NEW - Checklist page
    Keep track of your component health with this really helpful checklist.
  • NEW - Cover Component
    We create a special cover for design library files
  • UPDATE - Font sizes variable names
    Renamed font sizes variables to match color naming system
  • UPDATE - Typography variables scoping


April 2024
  • NEW - Typography Variables
    You can now connect your Text Styles to Typography Variables.
  • NEW - Content strategy
    We added a page for content strategy. More will be added very soon.
  • NEW - Accessibility
    We added a page to help you check your accessibility.
  • NEW - Onboarding & Learning FILE
    We created a dedicated page to help you and your team better get onboarded. You will find some Figma basics and a full guide to how to get started with your deisgn system.
  • NEW - Design Project FILE
    We added this file to help you set your design projects right.
  • NEW - Component checklist
    Keep track of your component health with this really helpful checklist.
  • NEW - Cover Component
    Standardize the way you create Figma covers
  • NEW - Notion asset templates
    This assets will help you customize your online Notion documentation
  • UPDATE - Plugin Local Print
    We included this plugin to automatically display current variables for Typography, Colors and Spacing
  • UPDATE - Intern components
    Better customize your files with mor intern components.


December 2023
  • NEW - Components
    We added new well-crafted components to our kit: cards, avatar, badge, checkbox and accordion.
  • UPDATE - File structure
    We updated the full file structure to make it even more user friendly.


September 2023
  • NEW - Variables page
    To have a better overview of your variables, we created a dedicated page that you can share with your team.
  • UPDATE - Icon library
    We extended our icon library. Over 300 icons available now in filled or outline version.
  • UPDATE - Naming
    We cleaned all our layers name


August 2023
  • NEW - Overview
    Page for Foundations and Components with quick links for easy access.
  • UPDATE - Typography
    We added more text styles: form label, form hint and button text.
  • UPDATE - Colors
    Added new range of shades for primary, signals and neutral.
  • UPDATE - Variables
    New collection of PRIMITVES and TOKENS following the latest standards.
  • UPDATE - Buttons
    Added new states and the option for left and right icon.
  • UPDATE - Input Field
    Added new states and the option for left and right icon.


June 2023
  • NEW - complete redesign and refactoring of the Figma file.
  • NEW - changelog feature using the Design version Figma plugin.
  • NEW - use of Variables to set up your colors, viewports, spacings and more.
  • NEW - components: Notification, Header Navigation & Footer Navigation.
  • UPDATE - Component Documentation: pre-generated documentation templates using EightShapes Specs.
  • UPDATE - Typography: added max-width documentation for body text.
  • UPDATE - Colors: added color usage page for a quick understanding for what colors are used for.
  • UPDATE - Spacing system: added spacing system to Variables + documentation.
  • UPDATE - Buttons: updated Variants using last Figma features.